Thursday 15 November 2012

Boathoist Folding Kayak Trailer

I recently put a 2 inch lift on my already hard to load Toyota Prado, so trying to lift a heavy piece of plastic onto the roof really made me second think those early morning outings.  The easiest way to solve this problem was to come up with an idea so I didn't have to load my kayak on the roof.  I realised someone had already come up with the idea... BoatHoist.  I got the Folding Kayak Trailer late August/early September shipped up from NSW to QLD and it was all ready to bolt together, the only thing I needed to do was get it registered.  Making up a quick light bar that bolts on was easy enough and finally enough weekends of renovating allowed me the time to finally get out for a fish and utilise the trailer.  It's hard to express how much easier it has made my life, anyone who has to load a heavy yak on the roof of a big 4WD can probably empathise. 

First impressions when the thing arrived was geez its small... that was really only because it was all folded up.  Once I started unfolding and unbolting the trailer it all opened up like some transformer movie.  Unsure of how it all went together I placed parts where I thought they would likely go and jumped on the Boathoist website and checked out the handy instructional video.  A 15mm spanner and about 15 minutes and it was all set up and ready to go.  As this trailer will also double as a travelling trailer on our campertrailer I unbolted it all, folded it up and went about setting it up on the big trailer.  It slotted neatly between the stone deflector and the tool box, I love it when a plan comes together.

So I got it registered for separate use on weekends to haul the yak down the local estuary, about a 15 minute drive in total.  The trailer comes with a manufacturers plate so rego was easy as.  It's really just a matter of sliding it on and strapping it down.

Welding and components are absolutley top notch

I have used it on a number of occasions now to cart my yak, but the real reason we got it was to cart the 2 yaks.  The trailer is 1500mm wide so easy accommodated my Jackson Coosa at 810mm leaving enough room for our smaller Ocean Kayak Frenzy or my mates Malibu Sierra 10.  If I were to carry 2 yaks that were a little larger I would simply just attach some of those J racks for roof racks and just put them on an angle.  The next problem I have is getting my partner out of bed early enough to come with me.

Because it is a trailer it does take up some useful room around the place.  I find that if it's getting in the way at all when it's all set up I just unbolt the two centre bolts and fold it in half.

Hopefully I've done the trailer some justice here and shown how easy it is when compared to car topping.  I wouldn't recommend travelling 1200km's with it, but it easily travels along at 100km's/hr without a worry and without the bearings getting hot.  I'd reccommend this trailer in a heartbeat to anyone looking to tow 2 yaks, or even one big one.

Contact BoatHoist at


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